This article will provide guidance on how process service works in various legal documents. Legal papers, ranging from simple contracts to intricate court filings, lay forth the parties’ rules, duties, and entitlements. Parties can better safeguard their interests and make educated judgments if they are familiar with the fundamentals of important legal papers. Click here for information on How Rush Process Service Can Expedite Your Case.

Defendants often use the services of a licensed process server like those at Undisputed Legal to help them find and deliver court papers. Legal papers may be served in a variety of ways, including writs and summons. Click Here for Frequently Asked Questions About Process Servers!


Written orders from the court are known as writs. There are five distinct kinds of writs [A.]  writ of Habeas Corpus, [B.] Mandamus; [C.] Quo-Warranto; [D.] Certiorari, and [E.]  Prohibitio. The receiving party is notified of their impending court summons for a specific cause by means of the service of writs. Any time legal action is taken against an American citizen, that individual has the right to be informed of the proceedings.

One might file a Writ of Habeas Corpus in a federal or state court to contest the constitutionality of a person’s incarceration. Both the New York State and Federal Law currently include codifications of the writ of habeas corpus. While in the custody of the state, the remedy is usually accessible to all individuals. It is important to identify when and why someone may file a Writ, both in terms of the particular grounds and when the writ can be filed.  If a person is being held in custody as a result of a state court judgment, and it is determined that their detention violates the Constitution, laws, or treaties of the United States, then the Supreme Court, a Justice thereof, a circuit judge, or a district court can hear an application for a writ of habeas corpus on their behalf.

A person detained as a result of a State court’s decision cannot have a writ of habeas corpus issued to them unless proven that [A.] the petitioner has tried all possible avenues within the state’s judicial system without success or that none of the State’s remedial procedures are available; or [B.] the applicant’s rights cannot be adequately protected by such a procedure due to the existence of certain circumstances.

The presumption of correctness applies to factual issues determined by a State court in a case initiated by an application for a writ of habeas corpus by an individual in custody according to a State court judgment. The applicant is responsible for providing proof that disproves the presumption of validity. All parties involved in the trial court process must be served with a petition for a writ of mandamus or prohibition addressed to the court, which must be filed with the circuit clerk. Additionally, the party is obligated to provide the trial court judge with a copy. For all intents and purposes, the petitioner is not the only party involved in this trial court process; all other parties are also respondents.

Either the trial court judge or an amicus curiae may be invited or ordered by the court of appeals to answer the petition. The trial court judge is not required to answer the petition. The clerk is obligated to notify the parties, as well as the trial court judge or amicus curiae, when briefing or oral argument is necessary.

Mandamus, an extraordinary remedy, should be reserved for rare cases involving unusual emergencies or matters of public concern. Federal appellate courts are granted the authority to issue mandamus under the All Writs Act. A subordinate court’s proper exercise of a specified authority or the abuse of judicial power may warrant the issuance of a mandamus. The purpose of a mandamus order is to compel a lower court to uphold an appeal court’s decision or to prevent that court from unlawfully obstructing the implementation of a higher court’s decision.

If the plaintiff has access to sufficient alternative legal remedies, such as a monetary judgment or the chance to raise the relevant legal concerns in a government action, the courts do not have the jurisdiction to award relief in the form of mandamus. Mandamus is not meant to replace other remedies; it is only used when other remedies are unavailable. Click here for information on How Process Servers Protect Your Rights: Myths Debunked


A subpoena is a formal document that mandates an individual’s presence before a court or other legal process (such as a hearing before Congress) to provide testimony or evidence. Subpoenas are court-issued documents normally served by attorneys by regular mail, email, or personal delivery.

The US courts are given the power to issue subpoenas, compelling individuals, either U.S. citizens or permanent residents living abroad, to appear or provide evidence. The subpoena may order the witness to appear at any U.S. or foreign location (such as an American consulate or embassy). Contempt consequences may be imposed in the event that the summoned individual does not show up or cooperate in any other way with the subpoena. 

The authorization of a subpoena often depends on the records’ importance to the investigation or prosecution and the availability of alternative means to obtain them quickly (e.g., tax treaties, letters rogatory, or mutual assistance treaties.) For foreign subpoenas especially, there is a significant necessity to prevent the destruction of records abroad and the possibility of contempt or obstruction of justice prosecutions if such records are destroyed.

The essence of a subpoena—’ under penalty’ in English—is to have the subject of a current legal matter inform under oath (testimony) on the facts in question. In most cases, a court clerk, notary public, or judge of the peace will issue a subpoena when a lawyer representing the court requests one. One may personally deliver, email, certified mail, or even read aloud a subpoena to an individual.

American law has two distinct kinds of subpoenas: a subpoena duces tecum and a subpoena ad testificandum. One way to compel an individual to appear in court and provide testimony as a witness is via the use of a witness subpoena. A subpoena duces tecum is a formal instrument that mandates the summoned party’s production of evidence, such as records or papers, at a certain location and time for a court hearing. The discovery process that occurs before a trial often includes this. Alternatively, if an individual is not a party to a case but is requested to provide documents or attend a deposition to answer questions posed by one of the parties, they may be required to comply with a deposition subpoena, a court order. 

Keep in mind that when people talk about papers, they may also refer to images, audio or video recordings, and storage devices for information. If parties are called upon to testify, it is wise to find the reason for the evidence being given. Click here for information on How Service of Process Ensures A Solid Foundation.


A summons is a formal document that notifies the recipient of their obligation to appear before a judge or magistrate to present their case. A summons may be a reference summons, an administrative summons, or a civil summons.  

A summons has to identify the legal body and the litigants. Consequently, it should be addressed to the appropriate party. A summons should provide the plaintiff’s mailing and phone information, or those of the plaintiff themselves if they are not represented, as well as announce the deadline for the defendant’s appearance and defense.  A summons should convey to the defendant the threat of a default judgment for the remedy sought in the complaint in the event that the defendant does not show up to defend and should be officially signed by the clerk. Alternatively, the service should come with the official seal of the court.

The plaintiff has the option to submit a summons to the clerk for signature and seal at the time of or subsequent to the complaint filing. After reviewing the prepared summons, the clerk will sign and seal it before sending it to the plaintiff to serve on the defendant. Each defendant must be served with separate or duplicate summons addressed to several defendants.

A duplicate of the complaint and a summons are required. A summons and complaint may be served by any adult who is neither a party to the action nor at least eighteen years old. Service by a United States marshal, deputy marshal, or anyone designated by the court may be ordered by the court upon the plaintiff’s request. 

Service should be sent via mail and addressed to each defendant separately, and it is important to specify which court received the complaint. The form should be sent with the complaint in duplicate, two copies of the waiver form attached to this Rule 4, and a pre-paid way to return the form. It is important to provide the defendant with a fair opportunity to return the waiver within thirty days of its transmission (or sixty days if the defendant is outside of a US court district).

A defendant in the US who, without just excuse, refuses to sign and submit a US-based plaintiff’s sought waiver will be subject to costs that will be incurred in the future while providing service, and the costs, including legal fees, of any necessary move to recover such service expenditures.

Service of a summons has to be done according to the rules established by the state governing the service of summonses in actions pursued in general jurisdiction courts within the state where the district court is situated or where the service is executed. Papers may be served by physically handing the person a copy of the complaint and summons. Alternative forms of service can include entrusting an adult of legal age and discretion who lives in the person’s home with a duplicate of each or giving one copy to an agent who is appointed or legally authorized to accept process serving.

If the court’s reasonable attempts to serve a summons on the defendant fail in the district where the action is lodged, it may establish jurisdiction over the defendant’s assets in that area instead. Seizing assets in accordance with the conditions and procedures outlined by the relevant state legislation grants jurisdiction in that particular district. Click here for information on How To Identify A Good Process Service Agency.

Separation Petition or Divorce Papers

Ensuring the proper transmission of legal documents is crucial since divorce proceedings can elicit intense emotions. Consequently, process servers are essential to help the process move forward smoothly and avert possible confrontations. Engagement of our local Undisputed Legal process servers guarantees that all relevant documentation reaches all parties, fostering a better knowledge of rights and obligations and enabling a more structured resolution of the issue.

Depending on the particulars of the divorce, the legal documents involved go through a range of forms and petitions. Petitions for dissolution of marriage, summons, financial affidavits, and any ancillary agreements or requests about child custody, support, and property division all form part of the divorce proceeding artillery. These formal notices of intent to dissolve the marriage and list the matters to be resolved in the divorce process are sent to the other party and the court.

On the other hand, a separation petition is a formal legal document that one spouse files to separate from the other formally. The terms and conditions of the separation primarily center around living arrangements, child custody, and visiting rights. These conditions are usually outlined in this petition. A separation agreement creates a formal agreement allowing the spouses to live apart while maintaining their legal marriage, as opposed to a final divorce. 

It is important for the defendant’s spouse to be informed of the case after obtaining an index number and filing the “Summons With Notice” or the “Summons and Complaint” with the County Clerk’s Office in New York. Prior to acquiring an index number, a good process server will also enquire about alternate service options from the Supreme Court Clerk’s Office. This is imperative for service if clients are unsure about their spouse’s whereabouts. Our Undisputed Legal process servers are highly skilled in skip tracing and can easily locate evasive defendants. 

For divorce proceedings in New York State, the Summons and Complaint or Summons with Notice in copy form, as well as the Notice of Automatic Orders in copy form and reproduction of the Health Insurance Coverage Continuation Notice, is necessary. For parents of minor children, the client will need to provide an affidavit from the defendant and a copy of the Child Support Standards Chart.

It is possible for Plaintiff to hand over the documents to Defendant if Defendant agrees not to “contest”  any aspect of the divorce action and returns the “Affidavit of Defendant” that has been signed and notarized. Legal documents must be physically “served” on the defendant if it is uncertain whether they would “contest” or return the affidavit.  The defendant must be personally served with the documents. 

If Defendant’s intent to “contest” any aspect of the case or return Defendant’s affidavit is uncertain, Plaintiff cannot be the one to deliver the documents to Defendant. The Plaintiff needs someone else to handle this. A good process server like those at Undisputed Legal can help serve your papers with no animosity involved.  Within one hundred twenty days after the documents were filed with the County Clerk’s Office, service of process is required. The individual delivering the documents must be at least eighteen years old and a resident of New York State. The individual serving the documents need not be a resident of New York State but must instead meet the requirements of that state’s or country’s laws on the ability to serve legal documents.

It is important to ensure that the individual delivering the documents to Defendant completes the “Affidavit of Service” and returns it to Plaintiff with their signature and the notary public’s stamp. This proves that the service of divorce proceedings was actually done. 


All papers pertaining to an e-filed action or special proceeding, including summons with complaint, summons with notice, or petition, must be sent to the County Clerk via NYSCEF. When the filer submits their commencement paperwork via NYSCEF, they will get an email with an index number. 

E-filed documents often do not require traditional process service because they are typically served electronically through the court’s electronic filing system. However, there may be exceptions. For instance, if there are additional documents or notices that need to be served personally or via mail to the opposing party, process service may still be required. Exceptions regarding the requirement for process service when dealing with e-filed documents can vary based on the court’s rules and procedures or the case’s specific circumstances. 

The court may issue orders specifying alternative methods of service for particular documents or situations, especially if the parties are unable to be located or if there are safety concerns involved. In some jurisdictions or for certain types of cases, such as temporary restraining orders or emergency custody matters, the service may be streamlined for speedy disposal.

Eviction Notices

Evictions do not always go smoothly. Sometimes, the tenant may refuse to leave the location or even destroy the premises before they do. Consequently, the service of an eviction notice becomes important. This ensures that tenants are given their rights and responsibilities regarding the eviction process. It also provides documentation that can be used to demonstrate that the tenant was properly notified in case of any legal disputes or challenges related to the eviction. 

Any circumstances exist in New York that allow a landlord to evict a tenant. However, the landlord must end the lease before eviction proceedings may begin. This occurs whenever a landlord is obligated by law to provide written notice to a tenant. After the tenant disregards the landlord’s notice, the landlord has the right to sue for eviction.

Landlords are required to provide a valid reason to end a lease early or request that tenants vacate the premises before the end of the renting period. Not paying rent or breaking the terms of the lease are two of the many grounds for early eviction. Written notice from the landlord to the tenant should initiate the eviction procedure. The basis for the eviction will dictate the kind of notice that is required. If a renter fails to pay rent by the due date, the landlord has the right to serve a fourteen-day notice for the renter to either pay the rent or vacate the premises. The renter will be given fourteen days to pay the entire rent or vacate the property. At the conclusion of the fourteen days, the landlord has the option to petition the court for eviction if the tenant is in default on rent or fails to vacate the premises. 

Landlords are required by law to give tenants two distinct forms of notice before they may be evicted for lease violations: [A.] a Notice to Cure and [B.] a Notice to Terminate. The first notice a landlord must provide to a tenant who has broken the lease is the notice to cure. There is no specified time frame for a notice to cure in an unregulated rental. A notice of termination may be sent by the landlord to the tenant in the event that the latter fails to remedy the infraction.

If the tenant still does not cooperate after receiving a notice to cure, the landlord may serve the tenant a notice of termination. Tenant will be notified thirty days prior to termination that their tenancy has been terminated due to their failure to rectify the lease violation. The tenant will also be given the opportunity to vacate the rental unit during this time. The landlord might initiate legal action to remove the tenant from the rental property if the renter refuses to vacate the premises. 

Short notice of termination of a tenancy is not permissible by landlords. A landlord with no valid reason to discontinue the tenancy must wait for the lease or rental term to expire before requesting or anticipating the tenant to vacate the premises. Involving a private process service agency like Undisputed Legal to handle the service of papers becomes vital to ensure that proceedings go as smoothly as possible. 

Order for Appearance (ORAP)

An Order for Appearance is a formal court order that requires the judgment debtor to appear before the court personally. If the judgment debtor does not present as ordered, they may face a contempt citation and, in the worst case scenario, arrest. Our Undisputed Legal process servers ensure service is done as quickly as possible to avoid this happening. 

A person listed in an ORAP is required to attend court to answer questions, provide testimony, or address certain issues pertaining to the case.  If a party fails to present for a hearing or trial, if a witness is required to testify, or if a case of noncompliance with a court order or direction, an ORAP may be issued to remedy the situation. Legal ramifications, such as contempt of court charges or other punishments, may follow from disobeying an ORAP.

Order to Show Causes

An order to show cause, or O.S.C., is a court order or a judge’s demand that a party provide justification or an explanation for why the court should grant or deny an application or relief. For instance, the court might require more details if a party asks for a restraining order. A relevant person may be notified of a court proceeding by means of a procedural law “order to show cause.” 

Requests for judicial action may be made by a motion or an order to show cause. It should be noted that an order to show cause requires to be served in a tight timeline before the party appears in court.  Consequently, a private process service agency like Undisputed Legal becomes vital to ensure compliance with service timelines. 

Service has to include a Notice of Motion and an Affidavit in Support. Court hearing dates are communicated to opposing parties in the Notice of Motion. This is the date that the motion may be returned, also known as the return date. It is up to the movant to choose this date. The opposite party must be given a minimum of eight days’ notice by this date. However, the opposing party must be given thirteen days’ notice if the motion is to be sent by mail. A private process service agency like Undisputed Legal can help serve your papers in person or via mail, having the necessary experience to ensure the service of papers.

The movant selects a date that allows the opposite side at least sixteen days’ notice if they want copies of the opposing party’s opposition papers (together with any notice of cross-motion) at least seven days prior to the hearing date. The hearing date must be set at least twenty-one days after the mailing is done. The OSC is then submitted to the court for the judge’s signature after perusal. After the judge gives their signature, they choose the court date and enter it into the OSC. The Judge will also specify the proper method for delivering the OSC. Affidavits are required with both motions and orders to demonstrate cause. A notary public may witness the sworn declaration of support for a motion or order to show cause, known as an affidavit in support. The movant is free to provide as many affidavits as they believe would persuade the judge to grant their request. As stated in the affidavit, it needs to provide what is being requested and for what reason the case details. 

The Affidavit in Opposition should be accompanied by any relevant documents mentioned in the Affidavit. The opposing party and the court should get duplicate copies. An Affidavit in Reply allows the movant to respond to the opposing filings. If the opposing papers make a claim, the reply papers will address it. Each party is required to submit a Reply Affidavit, which must be served on the other party. 

If the reply documents cannot be served in time, they might be delivered to the courthouse on the day of the hearing. The movant has the option to request a court date postponement if they feel the need to respond but do not have enough time to prepare the necessary paperwork. This may or might not be permitted by the Judge.

Temporary Restraining Orders

In order to put an end to domestic or intimate relationship abuse, a civil action may include the issuance of a Family Court Order of Protection. A party will have to fill out the Family Offense Petition as the first step in getting a protective order from the Family Court.

 An assistant district attorney may request a criminal court order of protection on the party’s behalf. The accused need not be someone with an intimate relationship with the party in order for this to apply. Both the issuance and the specifics of a protective order are determined by the court. In a continuing criminal or divorce case, the Supreme Court may issue an order of protection. Both the issuance and the specifics of a protective order are determined by the court.

Parties may get complete or limited protection orders.  The complainant may ask for a temporary order of protection, and it is issued the same day. It lasts until the next court session and may be extended at that time. In the event of a conviction (whether by plea or trial) in the criminal or family courts, a judge may decide to impose a final order of protection if he or she determines that an offense occurred inside the family.

 A full order of protection states that the person subject to the order must refrain from abusing, harassing, or threatening the holder of the order in any manner and must also refrain from any contact at the party’s residence, place of employment, or educational institution. A limited order of protection permits the subject of the order to continue communication, albeit barring abusive, stalking, or threatening actions.

A signed statement confirming the service of papers will be sent to the party by the Sheriff’s Office after they have served the responder. If the order of protection cannot be delivered, the sheriff’s office is obligated to provide a signed document detailing each attempt, including the dates and times. A party may have the Order of Protection served by the New York Police Department while the Sheriff’s office is closed. 

You can choose a private process service agency like Undisputed Legal to serve the order of protection on your behalf. Quick action is required for the service of the order of protection, including the completion, notarization, and filing of an “Affidavit of Service” by the person serving the documents. Returning to court without the Affidavit Service might result in the case being postponed or dismissed. The serving of a temporary order of protection is necessary for the order to take effect.

Bankruptcy Petitions

When declaring bankruptcy, an individual is required to provide all financial details to verify and further the proceedings. Hiring a process server like those at Undisputed Legal to send bankruptcy petitions to each of the appropriate parties is the first step. The process server is responsible for delivering the petitions to the creditors in such a lawsuit.

The United States Bankruptcy Code is structured into many chapters, and each chapter corresponds to a unique form of bankruptcy petition. Chapters 7, 11, and 13 bankruptcy petitions are individuals’ and companies’ most prevalent forms of bankruptcy. The debtor’s assets, obligations, income, expenditures, and any other pertinent financial information are normally disclosed in a bankruptcy petition. 

To begin the bankruptcy process, the right documents have to go to the right court.  This court is usually in the same jurisdiction as the debtor’s home or main place of business. The bankruptcy court and relevant bankruptcy legislation have certain filing and procedural criteria that must be met when submitting the petition. For instance, Rule 7004 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure provides that  “Personal service under Rule 4(e)–(j) F.R.Civ.P. may be made by any person at least 18 years of age who is not a party, and the summons may be delivered by the clerk to any such person…The clerk may sign, seal, and issue a summons electronically by putting an “s/” before the clerk’s name and including the court’s seal.”

When a debtor files for bankruptcy, they have initiated a judicial injunction known as an automatic stay. This stay stops most legal processes and collecting efforts against the debtor. The debtor is granted time to reorganize their finances or come up with a repayment plan thanks to the automatic stay, which immediately stops the harassment from creditors. The debtor’s creditors will be notified of the bankruptcy proceedings by the court upon filing the bankruptcy petition. The bankruptcy procedure gives creditors a chance to voice their claims, participate, and seek recovery of debts.

Freezing Orders

Being familiar with the basics of bringing a freezing injunction application against the perpetrator can mean the difference between successfully recovering the funds or losing them permanently in the event of a fraudulent financial transaction. This knowledge is essential for individuals and corporate entities to prevent the dispersal of their assets. Interim injunctions may prevent possible defendants in civil lawsuit processes from dispersing assets. Rule 64 allows federal courts to issue preliminary injunctions to the extent permitted by the law of the state where the court is located. For New York, this is the CPLR.

Shares, real estate, bank accounts, and even land may all be frozen by an injunction, regardless of whether the respondent (the person getting the injunction, the defendant) or a third party (such as a bank) holds them. Applying for a freezing order successfully requires proof of an underlying cause of action, such as fraud, and the existence of a genuine danger of the assets being dissipated. 

 It is necessary to have all relevant information disclosed fairly and reasonably. The applicant is expected to conduct thorough research before requesting the order and provide all pertinent information, regardless of whether it contradicts their position.  If the applicant does not do this, the defendant will seek to have the order reversed since disclosure was not provided. The applicant will then have to pay the court a large amount of damages and costs per their cross-undertaking. 

The court will not issue a freezing injunction unless the petitioner can prove that the respondent would really consider selling off assets to evade decision enforcement.  In most cases, proof of a corrupt or dishonest motive for the transfer of assets is required. Other pertinent considerations include the potential difficulty in enforcing the order and the ease with which the applicant’s assets may be transferred.

 The freezing order can only be granted if the court finds that doing so would be fair and practical. Until the trial is over, the court will only issue a temporary restraining order if doing so will fairly balance the parties’ interests. Additionally, the “balance of convenience” must be considered by the court. If the petitioner is successful at trial, the court will consider whether monetary damages would be a sufficient remedy. In some instances, the applicant will be adequately compensated for the issues created by the respondent’s financial payment. In such a case, the court would likely not order an interim injunction.


Each person involved in the probate procedure can voice their assent or objections to the proceedings via the citation. Along with the grounds for the summons, the document will state the day, time, and location of the person’s anticipated appearance before the Surrogate’s Court. 

Service can be done via [A.] personal service; [B.] certified mail with a return receipt requested; [C.] registered mail with a return receipt requested; and [D.] Special Mail Service, which adds citation service affidavits to the documentation. Two business days prior to the court date is the deadline for filing an affidavit of service (Uniform Rule 207.7(c)). A photocopy of the signed Return Receipt, Proof of Delivery, or an affidavit stating whether the mail was returned undelivered is required when filing an affidavit of mail service.

The petitioner or their representative must appear in court on the day and time indicated on the citation. When a New York resident dies, their affairs are transferred to the Surrogate’s Court for processing. Citations issued by the Surrogate’s Court serve as notices to individuals to appear before the court, much as summonses.

Often shortened to “in hand service,” physically delivering the Court’s Citation/Order to Show Cause to the Respondent is an acceptable and, perhaps, preferable method of serving process on a Respondent. In order to serve a respondent in New York State, physical delivery is the only method that is legally allowed. Hiring a professional process server like Undisputed Legal is the safest approach to delivering a process to a respondent when you can’t be there in person. The New York State resident respondent must be physically served with a copy of the Court’s Citation or Order to Show Cause at least ten days prior to the return date or hearing date indicated in the document if service is to be made by personal delivery.

 If the respondent resides outside of New York but is still within the US, the Petitioner can serve them by mailing a copy of the Court’s Citation or Order to Show Cause to their residential address in the US via Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. The Surrogate’s Court will permit this. The Respondent is fully served with this service as soon as the Citation or the Order to Show Cause is put in the mail as the Court’s. No more action is required. As mentioned earlier, if service is to be effectuated by Certified Mail or return Receipt Requested, the mailing must be completed at least twenty days prior to the return date or hearing date provided in the Citation or Order to Show Cause.

The Citation or Order to Show Cause of the Surrogate’s Court should be sent to the Respondent at their last known residence address via Registered International Mail, Return Receipt Requested if the Respondent lives outside the United States. Tue mailing must be completed at least thirty days prior to the return date or hearing date provided in the Citation or Order to Show Cause.

If parties need to serve process on a respondent whose address is unknown or if a process server cannot personally serve a New York State resident who is intentionally avoiding service of the Court’s Citation/Order to Show Cause, the Surrogate’s Court can decide to use a different method of service, such as “nail and mail,” publication, or another method.


Debtors have the right to challenge wage garnishment orders in court if they feel they are imposing an unreasonable burden. These proceedings are typically very complex. A private process service agency like Undisputed Legal is important to ensure your papers are served appropriately.

The amount of the salary that may be withheld to pay off private debts (such as medical bills, credit cards, bank loans, and private education loans) is proportional to the total income. Child support, taxes, and federally subsidized school loans are not considered private obligations.

Creditors cannot collect payments from debtors until they win a court case against them. If the creditor wins in court, they will get a judgment that says how much the debtor owes them. One step after a judgment has been entered, the creditor may seek a wage garnishment order. The local sheriff’s or marshal’s office in New York usually deals with wage garnishment orders. The creditor is obligated to provide the office with the debtor’s details, such as their job status and the amount of the judgment.

The next step is for the sheriff or marshal to notify the debtor’s employer of the wage garnishment order. The court issues a restraining order, and the debtor’s employer must immediately begin withholding pay so that the money may be paid to the creditor. Wage garnishments in New York are limited in scope. For those who have a weekly discretionary income of USD 450.00 or less, the revenue is completely protected from any debt collection. However, garnishing these earnings is not permitted.

 With a weekly discretionary income of more than USD 450.00, garnishment shall amount to up to 10% of the gross income or 25% of the weekly disposable income, whichever is smaller, might be garnished by the creditor. No matter what, the creditor cannot take more than USD 450.00 out of the paycheck. Nevertheless, no garnishment may ever go over 25% of discretionary income. According to New York Collection Law, a marshall may charge a “poundage” for their services in serving a writ or judgment. A sheriff in New York may earn poundage, a portion of the money they collect, or the property’s worth if they carry out a judgment by selling or collecting the debtor’s property.

Legal papers must be served in accordance with the particular regulations of each jurisdiction. A private process service agency like Undisputed Legal makes sure to be aware of these specifications.  Thanks to this regional knowledge, there will be fewer opportunities for procedural mistakes that might delay a case’s resolution.

There is a system in place for regulating relationships, settling disputes, and maintaining the rule of law thanks to these papers, which include legislation, contracts, and court decisions. Consequently, for the service of legal papers, a private process service agency like Undisputed Legal can be helpful to ensure your papers are carefully served. If you found this article helpful, kindly consider leaving us a review. 

Written by: Undisputed Legal Inc.


1. the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 placed significant time and substantive limitations on federal writs.

2. There will not be an evidentiary hearing on a claim that the applicant has failed to establish in state court proceedings unless the applicant demonstrates that

Firstly, the allegation is based on-

(i) a hitherto unavailable rule of constitutional law that the Supreme Court has applied retroactively to cases for collateral review; or

(ii) an element of fact that could not have been previously found by diligent investigation; and

(B) there is enough evidence to show that the allegations would have led a reasonable person to conclude that the applicant was not guilty of the underlying offense if it weren’t for the constitutional mistake.

3. The Title ‘In re [name of petitioner].’ is required The petition has to outline

  1. the needed remedy;
  2. the problems that have been raised;
  3. the information essential to comprehending the petition’s subject matter; and
  4. in support of the writ’s issuance.
  5. If any order, opinion, or portion of the record is crucial to understanding the petition’s contents, a copy must be included.
  6. After the clerk receives the docket fee, the petition must be docketed and sent to the court.

4. Cases such as LaBuy v. Howes Leather Co. (1957) and United States v. McGarr (1972) provide guidance.

5. 28, U.S.C. § 1651(a).

6. Schlagenhauf v. Holder, 379 U.S. 104 (1964).

7. United States v. Ex parte (1932), 287 U.S. 241, 248.

8. The rules controlling subpoenas in Federal matters are found in Rule 17 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure and Rule 45 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

9. 28 U.S.C. § 1783

10. The process of serving such subpoenas may be constrained by foreign regulations, particularly in cases when the witness has dual nationality. While deciding how to serve subpoenas overseas, the Office of International Affairs (OIA) provides prosecutors with guidance. 

11. The following must be included in a valid subpoena:

  1. The court’s name that issued the subpoena
  2. The lawyer’s identity (name, address, and phone number) who served the subpoena
  3. Party’s identity

The number of the assigned case docket

12. Within the time frame specified in Rule 4(m), the plaintiff must have the summons and complaint served, and they must also provide the person making the service with the copies that are required.

13. The plaintiff must be granted the authority to proceed in forma pauperis or as a seaman under 28 U.S.C. §1915 or §1916, respectively, for the court to make such an order.

14. Often, this is accompanied by a duplicate of the Notification of Maintenance of Guidelines and a copy of the sworn statement, removing obstacles to remarriage in the event that the marriage was solemnized in a religious service.

15. “Frequently Asked Questions.” FAQs,  The documents must be uploaded to the NYSCEF site in PDF-A format.

16. New York Real Property Acts section 711(2) of 2023.

17 If the rental is subject to regulations, the tenant must be given a 10-day notice (or the time specified by the relevant rule) to resolve the lease infringement.

18. New York Real Property Acts §§ 711, 753(4) (2023

19. State v. Miscellaneous Fireworks 34 A.3d 992 (2011

20. A family court protection order may only be issued if the parties concerned can be classified as having one of the following types of relationships:

  • Spouse, whether current or past, is irrelevant.
  • Someone you share a common parent with.
  • Someone to whom you are genetically or legally bound.

21. Orders of protection issued by the Family or Supreme Court may be served by the New York City Sheriff’s Office

22. N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 6201 et seq.

§ 6201. Grounds for attachment. An order of attachment may be granted in any action, except a matrimonial action, where the plaintiff has demanded and would be entitled, in whole or in part, or the alternative, to a money judgment against one or more defendants

23. In 1980, the case of Mareva compania Naviera SA v International Bulk Carriers SA established the ability to impose a freezing order. Section 37 of the Senior Courts Act 1981 allows the court to grant a freezing order or injunction.

24. Examples of income that are often excluded from garnishment include Social Security payments and unemployment compensation, and there is a cap on the proportion of income that may be deducted from a debtor’s account.

25. “NYC Marshals.” Marshals Handbook – Department of Investigation, Accessed Feb. 2024. 

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Office Locations

New York: (212) 203-8001 – One World Trade Center 85th Floor, New York, New York 10007

Brooklyn: (347) 983-5436 – 300 Cadman Plaza West, 12th Floor, Brooklyn, New York 11201

Queens: (646) 357-3005 – 118-35 Queens Blvd, Suite 400, Forest Hills, New York 11375

Long Island: (516) 208-4577 – 626 RXR Plaza, 6th Floor, Uniondale, New York 11556

Westchester: (914) 414-0877 – 50 Main Street, 10th Floor, White Plains, New York 10606

Connecticut: (203) 489-2940 – 500 West Putnam Avenue, Suite 400, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830

New Jersey: (201) 630-0114 - 101 Hudson Street, 21 Floor, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302

Washington DC: (202) 655-4450 - 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. 10th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006

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