This article will provide guidance on How To Serve legal papers in North Dakota. North Dakota Process Service must inform the defendant that if the defendant fails to comply with these North Dakota Process Service regulations, a judgment by default will be issued against the defendant for the remedy sought in the complaint.  The plaintiff must date and sign the document, as well as indicate the plaintiff’s post office address or attorney’s address.

The defendant’s name must be included in the summons, as well as the name of the court and venue of the action for North Dakota Process Service to be effective. The summons must also be addressed to the defendant.

Unless the summons states that the complaint is or will be filed with the clerk of a court in which the action is commenced, a copy of it must be served within twenty days of service of the summons if it is requested in writing by the defendant. Either in person or through an attorney, the defendant is required to be served in a place within the state; a copy thereof must be served within twenty days of service of the summons. Should the defendant fail to register a complaint within twenty days of receiving their summons, their case will be declared abandoned.

The plaintiff may be served with a written demand by the defendant to file the suit. If an attorney does not represent an individual, a demand must be served on that individual. The summons’ service is invalid if the complaint is not filed within twenty days following the North Dakota Process Service of the demand. There must be a warning on the demand that the summons is null and void if the complaint is not filed within twenty days after the date of the North Dakota Process Service.

Generally, any person of legal age who is neither a party nor otherwise interested in the case may serve North Dakota Process Service within the state. Outside the state, anyone authorized to serve process under the laws of North Dakota or the place where service is made or who has been designated by a court of North Dakota is qualified to serve North Dakota Process Service.

Upon a domestic or foreign corporation[1], North Dakota Process Service may be done by delivering a copy of the summons to an officer[2], or to an agent authorized by appointment or by law to receive North Dakota Process Service on its behalf. North Dakota Process Service can also be directed towards an individual who acted as an agent for the defendant with respect to the matter upon which the claim of the plaintiff is based and who was an agent of the defendant at the time of North Dakota Process Service.

Suppose the sheriff’s return indicates no person upon whom North Dakota Process Service may be made can be found in the county. In that case, North Dakota Process Service may be made by leaving a copy of the summons at any office of the domestic or foreign corporation. Alternatively, North Dakota Process Service may be done via mail or third-party commercial delivery addressed to any of the authorized individuals and requiring a signed receipt and resulting in delivery to that person.

In the case of a government agency, such as the North Dakota Bank or the State Mill and Elevator Association, North Dakota Process Service can be made on the managing director of that agency or the attorney general or an assistant attorney general, or North Dakota Process Service can be made on an agent who is not expressly authorized by appointment to act on behalf of the government agency[3].

If the claim for relief is based on grounds for the exercise of personal jurisdiction or if the subject of the action is real or personal property in North Dakota, service by publication can be enacted[4].

Initiation of legal action can be done by complaint and North Dakota Process Service by publication. There must be a complaint filed with the clerk of the court in which the action has been commenced stating a claim for the plaintiff and against the defendant in one or more of these situations, and an affidavit executed by the plaintiff[5].

An action may be served on a person by the publication by publishing their summons three times, once a week for three weeks, in an appropriate newspaper, or if there is no such newspaper, then in a publication that is widely circulated within that county.

A copy of the summons and complaint must be deposited in a post office or with a third-party commercial carrier in North Dakota, postage or shipping prepaid, and directed to the defendant to be served at the defendant’s last reasonably ascertainable address, within ten days after the filing of the affidavit for publication and before the first publication of the summons.

If a defendant is out of state, personal service of the summons and the complaint is just as effective as publishing, mailing, or delivery. This is if the affidavit for publication and the complaint is filed. After the affidavit filing for publication, the defendant must be served personally within sixty days after the first publication of the summons or publication of the summons and complaint. If this is not done, the case is considered abandoned in the eyes of any defendant who has not been served by then.

The defendant, or the defendant’s agent, must be permitted to defend the case at any point before judgment on the application and adequate reason presented[6]. Restitution may be imposed by the court if the defense is successful and the judgment, or any portion of the judgment, has been collected or otherwise enforced. Even so, the title to the property sold to a buyer acting in good faith under the terms of the judgment may remain intact. If the summons in action is sent or delivered to the defendant), or if the summons is physically served out of this state, the defendant is presumed to have received notice of the action and the decision.


A subpoena must identify the action, the court where it is filed, and the civil action number. The main requirement of the subpoena is to command each person to whom it is directed either to attend and give testimony or to produce and permit inspection of designated books, documents, or tangible things in the person’s possession, custody, or control; and if the court orders it, to permit inspection of premises, at a time and place the court determines to be reasonable. Additionally, there must be an attached copy of any court order to every subpoena. A summons to appear before a trial, hearing, or deposition may be issued with or without a demand to present evidence or authorize inspection.

It is not sufficient for an attorney representing one of the parties to submit a subpoena on his or her behalf. Subpoenas are issued in the name of the court in the county in which a lawsuit has been filed, so be sure to do this. If the clerk issues the subpoena, it must be signed and sealed but otherwise blank, and the party seeking the subpoena must complete it before delivery. A subpoena issued by an attorney on behalf of a party must be signed in the name of the attorney and the address of the lawyer’s office. It must specify who the attorney is representing.

The clerk may issue a subpoena under the court’s seal to an attorney representing a party in an ongoing civil action in another state upon filing a proof of service of notice or to a party in an ongoing civil action in another state upon filing a letter of request from an out-of-of-of-the-state court. It is necessary to issue the subpoena in the name of the court in the county in which service will be made. Using the subpoena and making discoveries is the same as if the action were still ongoing and subject to the same requirements and limits. The court in the county where the subpoena was issued must be contacted if there is a disagreement about the subpoena or discovery requested.

The person identified in the subpoena must be served personally. If the person’s presence is required, the fees for one day’s attendance as well as the mileage and travel expenses authorized by law must be paid to that individual. If the witness fee and payment for mileage and travel expenses are not sent with the subpoena, the witness does not have to comply with it. If the witness fee, mileage, and travel expenses are paid by this state or any political subdivision thereof, the witness fee, mileage, and travel expenses are not needed to be submitted. It is possible to serve a subpoena anywhere in the state.

The issue of a subpoena commanding an individual to appear and provide evidence during a pretrial deposition is contingent upon the service of a notice to conduct a deposition. Notice for production, inspection, or copying must be served before a subpoena may be issued requiring production, inspection, or copying. The notification must contain or attach a description of the item being generated, examined, or copied, as well as the location being inspected[7]. The clerk may issue a subpoena for a pre-trial deposition, pre-trial production, pre-trial inspection, or pre-trial copying with a copy of the notice and evidence of The defendant’s name must be included in the summons as well as the name of the court and venue of the action for North Dakota Process Service to be effective. The summons must also be addressed to the defendant. To certify the service of a subpoena, an attorney’s signature is required on the document.

In order to avoid placing an excessive hardship or cost on the person who is the subject of a subpoena, a party or an attorney is required to take reasonable precautions. There must be a suitable punishment for those who fail to comply with subpoenas, including but not limited to lost wages and reasonable legal fees, by the court in charge of the case in which the subpoena was issued[8].

The person or attorney named in the subpoena must receive the objection within ten days of receiving the subpoena. Any objections must be sent at least twenty-four hours before the time set for compliance if the subpoena specifies a compliance period of fewer than ten days. As long as an objection is raised, the party who served the subpoena will not be entitled to any kind of production, examination, or copying of the requested documents[9].

Only in the county where the individual lives, works or does business in person may a subpoena oblige a person to attend a deposition or at such other convenient location as ordered by the court. A subpoena may compel a non-resident of this state to appear in any county in this state for a deposition. Attendance at a hearing or trial may be required of a resident or nonresident at any location in the state.

Documents that must be produced in response to a subpoena must be produced in the manner in which they are normally preserved in the course of business or organized and labeled in accordance with the categories requested. The assertion that information subject to a subpoena is privileged or protected as trial preparation materials must be stated explicitly when it is withheld. Documents, conversations, or other objects that have not been supplied must be described in sufficient detail for the requesting party to challenge the claim.

how to domesticate an OUT-OF-STATE SUBPOENA in north dakota

A person’s failure to comply with a subpoena filed on them may be considered contempt of the court that issued the subpoena. A written objection stating a solid cause must be mailed or delivered to ‘Insert the name and address of the party or attorney representing the party requesting production, inspection, or copying must be included in all pre-trial or pre-hearing subpoenas. Within ten days after receiving the subpoena, you must file an objection. Any objections must be sent at least twenty-four hours before the time set for compliance if the subpoena specifies a compliance period of fewer than ten days.

To request the issuance of a subpoena, a party must submit a foreign subpoena to a clerk of the court pursuant to Uniform Interstate Deposition and Discovery Act (UIDDA)-North Dakota, in which discovery is sought to be conducted in North Dakota[10]. A subpoena must incorporate the terms used in the foreign subpoena; and contain or be accompanied by the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all counsel of record in the proceeding to which the subpoena relates and of any party not represented by counsel[11].

 An application to the court for a protective order or to enforce, quash, or modify a subpoena issued by a clerk of court must comply with the rules or statutes of North Dakota and be submitted to the court in the county in which discovery is to be conducted.


Click the “Place Order” button at the top of this page or call us at (800) 774-6922 to begin. Our team of experienced process servers is ready to assist you with reliable and efficient service of your documents, ensuring compliance with all legal requirements. We offer both comprehensive support and à la carte services tailored to your specific needs:

  • Prompt and professional service of process
  • Accurate completion of affidavits of service
  • Rush service for time-sensitive matters
  • Skip tracing for hard-to-locate parties
  • Detailed reporting on service attempts

Don’t risk case delays or dismissals due to improper service. Let Undisputed Legal’s skilled team handle the important task of serving legal papers for you. Our diligent, professional service helps attorneys, pro se litigants, and parents ensure their papers are served correctly and on time.

Take the first step towards ensuring proper service in your case – click “Place Order” or call (800) 774-6922 now. Let Undisputed Legal be your trusted partner in navigating the critical process of serving your documents.

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives” – Foster, William A


[1] Or upon a partnership or other unincorporated association

[2] The process may also be provided by a director, superintendent or managing or general agent, partner, or associate

[3] Service must be rendered in the manner and under the conditions provided by the legislation or order or in any way allowed by these rules and not prohibited by the statute or order.

[4] . A lien or other interest in the subject property is asserted or claimed by the defendant, and the relief sought against the defendant aims to exclude the defendant from this lien and/or interest or to define, regulate, or limit this lien and/or interest, or the action affects the property’s title in some other way

[5] After diligent investigation, it is believed by the affiant that personal service of the summons cannot be made on the defendant in this state; (B) that it is believed by the affiant to be true that personal service of the summons cannot be made on the defendant in this state; (C) that the defendant is an American or foreign corporation with no officer, director, or superintending officer.

[6] If the defendant or the defendant’s representative appears to the court’s satisfaction by affidavit, setting forth the facts, and shows that the defendant has a good and meritorious defense to the action and that the defendant had no actual notice or knowledge of the pendency of the action, except in a divorce action, the defendant or the defendant’s representative may apply to defend before judgment is entered.

[7] . In accordance with Rule 5, the notice must be delivered to each party

[8] A person ordered to produce and permit inspection and copying of specific books, papers, documents, or tangible things or to inspect premises is not required, unless ordered otherwise, to attend a deposition, hearing, or trial in person at the place where the production, inspection or copying is being performed.

[9] Any time an objection is raised, the subpoena-serving party may, with notice to the person compelled to produce and allow inspection or copying, apply for an order to compel production or copying. Any individual who is not a party or an official of a party must be protected from substantial costs arising from production, inspection, or copying in order to force it.

[10] . A request for the issuance of a subpoena under this rule does not constitute an appearance in the courts of this state.

When a party submits a foreign subpoena to a clerk of court in this state, the clerk, in accordance with that court’s procedure, shall promptly issue a subpoena for service upon the person to which the foreign subpoena is directed.

[11] Depending on the type of case involved, a subpoena issued by a clerk of court under Rule 5.1 (b) must be served in compliance with N.D.R.Civ.P. 45(b), N.D.R.Crim.P. 17(d), or N.D.R.Juv.P. 13(b).

Coverage Areas


Office Locations

New York: (212) 203-8001 – One World Trade Center 85th Floor, New York, New York 10007

Brooklyn: (347) 983-5436 – 300 Cadman Plaza West, 12th Floor, Brooklyn, New York 11201

Queens: (646) 357-3005 – 118-35 Queens Blvd, Suite 400, Forest Hills, New York 11375

Long Island: (516) 208-4577 – 626 RXR Plaza, 6th Floor, Uniondale, New York 11556

Westchester: (914) 414-0877 – 50 Main Street, 10th Floor, White Plains, New York 10606

Connecticut: (203) 489-2940 – 500 West Putnam Avenue, Suite 400, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830

New Jersey: (201) 630-0114 - 101 Hudson Street, 21 Floor, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302

Washington DC: (202) 655-4450 - 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. 10th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006

For Assistance Serving Legal Papers

Simply pick up the phone and call Toll Free (800) 774-6922 or click the service you want to purchase. Our dedicated team of professionals is ready to assist you. We can handle all your process service needs; no job is too small or too large!

Contact us for more information about our process serving agency. We are ready to provide service of process to all of our clients globally from our offices in New York, Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island, Westchester, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Washington D.C.

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives”– Foster, William A